GPS Track USA is dedicated to providing comprehensive, user-friendly, safety oriented AVL systems for fleets of all sizes. Our cloud-based technology solutions are easy to implement and cost-effective. The benefits are simple onboarding and early R O I. We are committed to excellent customer service.You can call support 24/7.

The GPS Track USA Fleet Tracking Service Plan
- Use GPS technology to view all your vehicles at once and check where they have been
- Received detailed stop/move mileage/time reports weekly or monthly
- Detailed maps or satellite images, anywhere in USA, Mexico and Canada
- Intelligent dispatch capability - use GPS fleet tracking to find your closest vehicle
- Instant Locates to know where a vehicle is in between updates
- Disable the starter and prevent a vehicle from being driven
- Unlock your vehicles' doors from the Web or any telephone
Using your PC, within seconds you can know...
- Their location and routes, by detailed color map, satellite image and address
- Online Reports of Mileage, Stops and Moves
- The vehicles closest to your customer
- The details of the continuous activity for any time during the past 12 months
- Any instances that the vehicle has been speeding (you set the limits)
- Any instances that the vehicle enters or exits your preset boundaries